
Uneventful Updates and Hilarious Hedgehogs

So, this update is SUPER fucking late, and for that I apologize. Unexpected visit by Naoko on Monday evening + Thomas going to sleep right afterwards because work was damn exhausting last week = a blog post that is a full day late. Doesn't math suck?

Honestly, you didn't miss much with this late update. Last week was officially one of the least eventful weeks since I got here. Can't find awesome hidden shrines, go to crazy Australian parties or meet gorgeous girls that are interested in me for some reason every week, you know. The work week was a shitstorm of constant activity sandwiched between two of the slowest workdays I've ever had (How's a 9 hour day with only two classes, both of which are at the very end of the day, sound to you?). 

I got some games for my PS3 this week, so way too much of my time has been spent wasted on those. I have a severe lack of time though, and have burned myself out enough to understand the importance of relaxing a little bit every day, so I'm trying to remind myself that it's okay. This process is also helped by the fact that I've actually been noticing a big difference in my Japanese ability. The fact that it's enough for me to actually be happy with it and, more than that, admit so out loud should be proof enough that I've been studying my ass off. I'm also willing to bet that a large portion of it is related to having a girlfriend that only speaks Japanese. Pretty sure my default language learning advice to people will now consist of "find a significant other that only speaks that language." Got two new Japanese textbooks this week too (had to buy them online because bookstores here really don't sell them) and added A BUNCH of new decks to my Anki (digital flashcard) program, so yeah. More studying ahoy.

That's about it. I'll try to be more interesting this week. The weather is getting better, so maybe I'll drag my lazy ass to some of the many temples and shrines in the area that I have yet to visit. 

Obligatory random shit!:

I told one of my students that I would be going to Kyoto sometime soon, and he recommended I try one of the sweets they're famous for. He recently came back from a vacation with a gift for me!

It was some of those sweets he mentioned. I have the name somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it. I'll tell you in my eventual Kyoto post after I go. Or I'll forget. Yeah, probably that one. You should know me well enough by now to expect this, so wipe that disappointed look off your face. Jerks.

 2.) I want to apologize for this post being late, so have some adorable pictures I found on I Can Haz Cheeseburger while pretending to work last Tuesday.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Dude, be thankful you missed the west coast epidemic while you've been gone. Not sure where or how it started, but everyone I know on the west coast from Victoria, Canada to Orange County has been sick twice or three times this season. To make shit weirder, nobody I know got the same ailments. I got gastroenteritis and the flu, my roomie got pneumonia twice, Ted got a chest cold then the flu, and my coworker got a head cold, a chest cold, and bronchitis in order. You're better off where you are.

    BTW, I has Dragon Quest slime plush. Which got me thinking... what do 3" little DQ-themed plushes cost over there? I might be interested in having you grab a metal slime and a green slime knight possibly.

  2. Want me to make it even weirder? I got sick as fuck this last week. Apparently it applies to all people from the West Coast everywhere.

    I honestly have no clue... don't think I've seen any. I also haven't really looked though. I'll try to keep an eye out.
