
Molester Chairs and Ghost Cats

This week was not overly eventful, but some cool stuff happened. Work was pretty busy as usual, but on Saturday I went to a bar with Naoko. Now, she's not a drinker, and she doesn't like clubs, but one of her work buddies was DJing for the last time at this place, so she wanted to go. Apparently she told me last week, but I forgot because of my shitty memory so I was a little caught off guard by it. Like everything here, it was expensive (3,000 yen for the two of us), and it was SUPER fucking crowded. When we first showed up, it was kind of mild. But an hour in, and it was difficult to even move through the main room. Doesn't help that the place was tiny. The actual bar portion probably had about four or five feet of space between the bar and the far wall, and there was a little side room for music and dancing (which no one was really doing). We ended up leaving early, but not before I got the distinctly uncomfortable pleasure of meeting a bunch of Naoko's friends and coworkers. They were all really excited to meet me, and a few of them even spoke some English. Problem is, we would have had trouble communicating under ideal circumstances. The bar had loud music, too many people pushing by, and alcohol. Yeah, it was tough.

Here's an awesome house-face we saw on the way to the bar. It's actually a coffee shop. Too bad, it would be an awesome place to live. Right next to the river in "downtown" Matsue, too.

The next day got all kinds of messed up. Naoko loves schedules, you see, so I went entirely against my nature and wrote out a schedule (two, actually. One if it rained, and one if it didn't) for the day. Of course, said schedule assumed I would be having my weekly DnD Skype game. Well, it got cancelled. At first I thought this ruined my plans, because my schedule didn't start until 5, and now we had all day. Luckily, Naoko solved this problem by sleeping ALL FUCKING DAY. This woman has an amazing talent to be tired all the time forever. I think she's a superhero with the worst superpower ever. Anyways, she actually said she felt too tired to do the plan I had made in the first place, so we just winged it anyways (and ended up doing most of my scheduled stuff regardless...) We went and had waffles because we both really wanted them, and they were freaking delicious in my mouth. Then we went by the department store to pick up some supplies for making pizza (more on that later) and ate ice cream. More delicious. Triple scoop delicious, actually, since they were having this insane promotion where they charge you their ridiculous amount for two scoops, give you a third for free, and act like you should be thankful you just paid six dollars for three tiny scoops of ice cream. Man, I hate prices over here. Know what makes me happier, though?

Happy chairs that are happy. Seriously, when a chair is fucking grinning like that despite having to deal with peoples' asses being all up in its grill 24/7, you know things aren't all bad. Or that chairs have an ass fetish. One of the two. Oh god, what have I done? I can never sit in one of those chairs now. Seriously, look at that picture with the idea in your head that the chair would totally get off on you sitting on it. Now ask yourself if you would willingly place your delicate, unprotected cheeks on that lustful, lime-green ass-grabber. The beady little eyes on those bastards just scream "you'll get in trouble too if you tell anyone." Right, I just exchanged being mad at money to being terrified of sex offender chairs. I'm so entirely sane it hurts.

After the chair sex den, we went to the park/temple/whatever near Matsue Castle. See, I've never actually taken a walk around there and a really wanted to. It was nice, with lots of pretty nature, but nothing spectacular. I think I might jog there once I get back into a jogging routine. The thing that really struck me was the insane number of cats there. We went around late dusk, and I think I saw around 50 cats during our visit. At first it was funny, then, as it got darker, a little creepy. They would just sit there in bunches of 3-5 and stare at us as we walked by. Most of the time we didn't even notice them until we were super close. I did manage to successfully scare Naoko numerous times intentionally and absolutely terrify her twice unintentionally. The intentional ones were just me saying random words in front of the word for ghost in the most ludicrously cheesed-up ghost voice ever. She actually finds it frightening, which I find hilarious. Because I'm an awful person. The first unintentional time she said something and I stopped and said "wait!" in mock indignation. She nearly fell over. Guess that was sign 1 she was a bit jumpy and scared (let's ignore all the times she said the place was creepy). The second time it was a bit darker and I pointed quickly to a cat and said "cat!" because it was adorable and running into the bushes. She hit me after that one.

Anyways, we got back and made pizza! See my mom is awesome and sent me this little mini cooker thing with some dough mix and pizza sauce back in like April. I'm lazy, so it took this long to make it. The pizza was good, but I didn't cook it quite long enough, so it was a bit doughy...

Random Shit:
Saturday was an interesting day. For breakfast, I had mutant eggs and toast. Not gonna lie, I was a little unsettled about eating the wonder twins egg, but I was hungry.

After that, I saw this little guy in my stairwell. He looked at me funny.
3.) Something I forgot last time. I recontracted with the company for a year last week (as was planned when I left), but first they gave me my feedback and stuff. One of the things my head teacher said to me, and I'm not kidding when I say this was a direct quote, was "No one hates you. That's a good thing." I... well, I mean, yeah, that's a good thing, but I mean really? I did got positive feedback, but that just struck me as the weirdest thing.

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